Welcome to the World Crash Rankings !

(running since 2005)

This website is dedicated to highscores in Crash Mode in Burnout 2: Point of Impact. It lists the top 25 best known scores for each zone, best available videos and many other statistics.

Scores have been taken from the old www.superhighscore.com website, Xbox Live, www.cyberscore.net, www.vgr-fr.com, www.youtube.com and other rankings, vids and records found on the World Wide Web.

If you want to see your highscore(s) appear on the rankings, ... Read more ▼

Happy crashing!

WCR News

July 26, 2024 - 16:04:32

Also first PR in 2024 for Anthony Burnout. On Dam Buster/14 he got 150,4 million, which is just a 4,8 million improvement to his previous PR (145,6mil), but it was enough to climb 4 spots from 12th back into the Top-10 onto the 8th spot.
Now Anthony is only missing On Ramp Onslaught/23 to get all his PRs back into Top-10 (currently ranked 12th there).

And since the Crash-off event last month, which awakened the 11-multiplier strat to life, already 4 PRs in the Top-13 were done using that strat.
This also takes the number of Crashers, who got at least 1 PR in 2024 to 14.

  • Video Zone 14 - 150,4 million
  • Top 25 - Dam Buster/14
  • July 25, 2024 - 12:26:48

    Nikcolin also got his first PR in 2024 and the first one since over a year even. On Down Hill Demolition/1 he got 344,2 million and climbed from 21st onto the 7th spot (previous PR 188,0mil).
    On the Totals it was a huge push for him over the 4,9 billion mark and he is now only 32 million away to beat the 5 billion mark!

  • Video Zone 1 - 344,2 million
  • Top 25 - Down Hill Demolition/1
  • July 23, 2024 - 15:06:53

    July 23, 2024 - 05:51:40

    Assassin Sports got 111,1 million on Glass Canyon/12 and entered the Top-25 on the 14th spot (previous PR 80,3mil). It was his 3rd PR in 2024 and on the Totals he is now on the way to beat the 4 billion mark, only 46 million of Dollars are missing.

    By the way since the Coupe Strat was found just a little over a year ago, currently 8 scores on the Top-18 were done using that strat. Now compare that number to the 20 years before, that totally speaks for the strategies success. Also Assassin Sports score was the hundredth score achieved and added to the WCR database in 2024.

  • Video Zone 12 - 111,1 million
  • Top 25 - Glass Canyon/12
  • July 21, 2024 - 20:05:37

    July 20, 2024 - 06:29:57

    Already on the warm-up for the upcoming Crash-off event BoneCrasherMania1 beat his 10,5 years old PR and got 227,2 million on Sprint Smash/17 climbing from 10th onto the 6th spot (previous PR 211,3mil).
    This takes the number of scores done using the Trailer-strat to 5 within the Top-10 spots. And who knows if the number is even higher, as for 3 old scores from Xbox Live there is no info which strat was used.
    On the Totals BoneCrasherMania1 beat the 5,7 billion mark.

    Have a nice weekend, see ya soon on the news again.

  • Video Zone 17 - 227,2 million
  • Top 25 - Sprint Smash/17
  • July 19, 2024 - 16:17:59

    July 19, 2024 - 05:20:13

    July 14, 2024 - 07:03:31

    July 6, 2024 - 17:17:14

    LarviStar got 243,4 million on Coastal Crush/2 and climbed from 24th onto the 18th spot (previous PR 222,3mil).
    On the Overall Rankings he climbed from #24 to #22 and on the Totals he beat the 3,5 billion mark.

  • Video Zone 2 - 243,4 million
  • Top 25 - Coastal Crush/2
  • July 4, 2024 - 16:53:04

    And the next Crash-off event is already in the pipe.
    From Saturday August 3rd until Saturday August 17th Sprint Smash/17 will be the zone of choice. Of course it would be pretty awesome to finally beat that 21 years old vidless 287,4 million World Record from just months after the release. Since 2022, since the Trailer strat took over, scores look more promising than before. And in that small timespan already half the scores of the Top-8 were done using that strat and the whole community achieved a total of 7 scores over 220 million compared to 6 scores over that mark in all the years before using other strategies. So our cautious goal will be to achieve at least 1 score over 230 million, which have been done 9 times in 21 years since the games release.

    It is still 1 month to go, but you can already fill in your name by yourself on the link to the spreadheet for that event. Rules are pretty simple, just crash the Sprint Smash zone as much as you want and try to achieve the best score possible. It doesn't matter if you take part just 1 day, 3 or the whole 2 weeks. I hope to see another time a lot of hyped Crashers, see ya soon and have a good time until then.

    World Record - 287,4 million - Hunterhawk64 - 2003 (without Video)
    WR Non-glitch - 131,7 million - Wave - September 2008
    Xbox 60hz - 259,3 million - Crashfreak - June 2016
    Xbox 50hz - 221,5 million - Crashfreak - October 2017
    Gamecube 60hz - 228,1 million - Brainkiller007 - April 2023
    Gamecube 50hz - 268,1 million - nikcolin - May 2023 (best video)
    Top-10 Vids start at 225,1 million

  • Spreadsheet
  • Top 25 - Sprint Smash/17
  • July 1, 2024 - 20:55:56

    As if it is not enough news for Dam Buster/14 today, a new World Record just happened!

    Brainkiller007 got 213,3 million and beat the over 10 years old 206,7 million record from Crashfreak by 6,6 million! It was Brainkiller007s first PR in 2024 and on the Top-25 he climbed from the 2nd onto the top spot (previous PR 184,3mil). He also beat the 18,5 years old best Gamecube 50hz video for that zone, which was a 182,7 million score done by Slazzy in 2005.

    Brainkiller007s previous 12 years old PR was also the best video available for that zone, as there was no vid of the old WR and it was also the 3rd oldest video on the "Best video Available" list, only Criss Cross Crush/18 and Roadblock/19 being older! The next step for the whole community on the so long awaited goal of getting each World Record on video, that day will come! And after LarviStars WR on Twilight Turmoil/25 this was the 2nd WR happening in 2024.

  • Video Zone 14 - 213,3 million
  • Top 25 - Dam Buster/14
  • July 1, 2024 - 17:30:17

    And another PR just comes in for Dam Buster/14. BoneCrasherMania1 got 148,6 million using the 11-multiplier strat, which is currently the best score using that strat, and climbed from 14th onto the 9th spot (previous PR 129,0mil).

  • Video Zone 14 - 148,6 million
  • Top 25 - Dam Buster/14
  • July 1, 2024 - 08:27:23

    The 15 days lasting Crash-off event on Dam Buster/14 ended already 2 weeks ago and i already wanted to share some results of the event, so here they are. Our cautious "goal" was to achieve at least 1 score over 150 million, but of course we also were looking forward to achieve a higher goal, as this zone is missing a video for its 206,7 million World Record. A lot of good scores happened, 3-4 with a higher potential, but the luck was missing. Like getting a higher damage on the bus, an earlier glitch, luckier multiplier, etc..

    But those 2 weeks brought back the 11-multiplier to life, when sparker599 achieved a 135 million score using that strat others started using that strat too. There is a really promising scenario using that strat and of course, that extra multiplier, which can be, like experience showed on other zones, very helpful. There is even the rare possibility of getting that white station wagon kicked towards the "bigger road" area behind the finish line, which even happened during the crash-off, so a 14 multiplier glitch might happen in the future. Currently a 123,1 million score is the highest score with a multiplier of 13, which sparker599 achieved after the event ended.

    4 Personal Records happened during that event by LEEK701X, sparker599, LarviStar and CoastalCrusher. Crashfreak got a pretty good 57,4 million non-glitch score and with 15,6 million of damage Brainkiller007 achieved the 5th highest ever damage on that zone.
    On the linked below spreadsheet you can find all scores of the event, if you click on "Sheet2", there are even more statistics.

    Crash-off Event Dam Buster/14 - Top-10

    1. - 156,263,968 - Xbox 50 - Custom Pickup - June 1, 2024 - Brainkiller007
    2. - 147,086,848 - Xbox 50 - Custom Pickup - June 1, 2024 - Brainkiller007
    3. - 146,286,672 - Gc 50 - Custom Pickup - June 11, 2024 - Brainkiller007 (11-multi strat)
    4. - 145,806,040 - Gc 50 - Custom Pickup - June 4, 2024 - LarviStar
    5. - 145,718,144 - Xbox 60 - Custom Pickup - June 4, 2024 - LEEK701X
    6. - 142,050,880 - Gc 50 - Custom Pickup - June 16, 2024 - Brainkiller007 (11-multi strat)
    7. - 135,615,808 - Xbox 50 - Custom Pickup - June 10, 2024 - sparker599 (11-multi strat)
    8. - 133,988,784 - Xbox 50 - Custom Pickup - June 7, 2024 - Brainkiller007
    9. - 129,105,088 - Xbox 60 - Custom Pickup - June 1, 2024 - Crashfreak
    10. - 127,362,048 - Xbox 60 - Custom Pickup - June 3, 2024 - Crashfreak

  • Event Spreadsheet
  • June 29, 2024 - 06:28:49

    Since almost 2 years LarviStar, only crashing on the Dolphin Emulator, started to go for PRs on Crash Mode. He already put in lots of hundred of hours and like no one before, tried to provide the best proof possible, by mostly streaming his crashing sessions but also showing the Dolphin settings in each of those. As he showed a great passion and dedication going for highscores, we tried to fund him a real console several times, as it was sad to see good scores not going onto the WCR. But due to personal reasons, it is not possible for him to receive a console (times may change).
    The thought of allowing him and his Emulator scores on the rankings grew, and we finally decided, to open the gate for him due to those mentioned reasons. Just to be clear, this is an exception, cause the last thing i want is, to open the door for another flood of scores done on an Emulator.

    He already entered the Top-25 on 8 different zones in those 2 years, recently with 222,3 million on Coastal Crush/2, and his biggest score yet is the 251,5 million World Record on Twilight Turmoil/25.
    On the Overall Rankings he is ranked on #24 and his Total currently stands at $3,481,298,936. So welcome to the rankings and we surely hope to see another great records from you.

  • WCR Profile - LarviStar
  • Youtube Channel - LarviStar